迄今为止,世界上最大的电池存储系统以300MW / 1,200MWh的速度运行
得克萨斯州的厄普顿太阳能农场,Vistra部署了其首个电池存储系统,于2018年完工。图片:Vistra Energy。美国零售电力和发电公司Vistra昨日表示,迄今为止,全球最大的电池储能系统(BESS)已在加利福尼亚州蒙特雷县投入运行。Moss Landing储能设施的第一阶段已与电网连接,并于2020年12月11日在Mostra Moss Landing发电厂的现场运行,这是Vistra拥有的天然气发电站,因为该公司于2018年收购了该设施的前任所有者Dynegy 。BESS的容量为300MW / 1200MWh,比今年早些时候由LS Power(同样位于加利福尼亚州)上线的250MW...
迄今为止,世界上最大的电池存储系统以300MW / 1,200MWh的速度运行
托克清洁能源合资公司的第一个项目将是比利时的25MW / 100MWh电池存储系统
比利时现有的大型电池存储设施之一。图片:Eneco-Alfen-Next Kraftwerke。大宗商品贸易公司托克(Trafigura)表示,将通过新成立的可再生能源合资公司(JV)在比利时建设大型电池存储厂。该项目位于比利时东北部城市Balen的锌冶炼厂所在地,该公司由金属公司Nyrstar拥有和运营,该项目的建设预计将于今年上半年开始,到2022年完成。上周发布的消息称,该项目将使用额定输出功率为25MW,容量为100MWh(持续时间为四个小时)的锂离子电池。该跨国公司去年与机构基金经理IFM Investors合资成立了Nala Renewables。 Trafigura于9月下旬表示...
托克清洁能源合资公司的第一个项目将是比利时的25MW / 100MWh电池存储系统
Irish state-owned utility ESB announces 100MW...
Updated 10 January 2021: Dr Marek Kubik, market director at Fluence told Energy-Storage.news and Solar Power Portal that the projects the company is working on with ESB represent a new phase in market development for Ireland's energy storage industry: 'The majority of energy storage projects in the ...
Irish state-owned utility ESB announces 100MWh of battery energy storage
Batteries built to last: Half the cost or twi...
Published: 16 Dec 2020, 10:08By:Amrit Chandan CEOLithium battery technology is rapidly enabling the electrification of transport, and of the energy sector. However, the batteries themselves can often be seen as a short-lived commodity and as yet, recycling and reuse have not become major priorities ...
Batteries built to last: Half the cost or twice the life?
Check out our comprehensive portfolio that fits all application needsout our comprehensive portfolio that fits all application needsSelecting the best rotary hammer for your next remodeling or construction job is critical, but making the right choice can be complicated.Whether it’s new construction ...